Friday 25 July 2014

The Single Life

Sob. My family have gone off without me, leaving me home alone for 10 days. 

Wow! My family have gone off without me, leaving me home alone for 10 days!

I'm suffering mixed emotions. Husband took the three children back to England to see their grandparents, to connect with a few friends, and to attend a conference (husband, that is, with the two older children) in Germany. I stayed home to tend to the pets and to my new obsession, the garden. I weed daily. I water when it doesn't rain. 

By the way, is this one a weed? I hope so, because I pulled it out.  I am often tugging plants out of the ground and then suffering Weeder's Remorse, convinced that what I just destroyed was in fact a desired plant that I forgot to recognise.

So, anyway, I'm a temporary Swinging Single. And boy do I know how to live it up! When I'm not working or tending to the garden, I have occupied myself with scrounging food. Yesterday the dog and I shared a free hot dog from Fancy Franks, around the corner, to celebrate National Hot Dog Day. (Sorry, I neglected to send out cards for that.)  Working late at the office one evening (because I had no need to get home), I scored big on some leftover pizza. I decided that I would not spend my Alone Time cooking, so when I cannot find ready-to-eat stuff outside the house, I have been subsisting on Cap'n Crunch cereal and peanut-butter-and-chocolate ice cream. I can't tell my kids, who aren't allowed sugared cereals in the house. Or my mother. And it must at all costs be kept from my dental hygienist, who would be very disappointed in me.Because some VERY kind friends have taken me out or taken me in for the odd meal, for which I am *extremely* grateful, my nutritional status is still adequate. Also I did eat some gorgeous orange cherry tomatoes off one of the plants in the garden, and supplemented them with a few springs of just-picked parsley. (Okay, Mom?) Tonight some friends and I are hoping to dine on free appetizers from the fairly funky Wind-Up Bird Cafe (homage to Haruki Murakami, that), which is hosting a neighbourhood block party. Their offerings might be healthy.

It is pretty bizarre living alone. In 8 days, I've only had to take out one bag of trash. The washing machine is silent and even the dishwasher only gets to do its stuff every few days. The milk is going off rather than running out. The dining table is littered with piles of paper and books, leaving one semicircle clear for me to sit and eat my Cap'n Crunch or ice cream (or both together- yum), or to plant my laptop. Yes I have my study, but I also have the kitchen, the sitting room, the playroom... It's almost obscene, really. True confession: some days, I don't even bother to shower. 

The dog and the cats suffer. They must fight for scarce lap space and have only one human to see to all their needs. Which reminds me, I must go feed them (not Cap'n Crunch). And then change the cat litter.They are going to be so excited when everyone returns. 

Me, too! Me, too!

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