Wednesday 11 May 2011

What they say about spring

Two months ago I wrote 'We survived winter! Hooray for us!' This now comes under heading 1a: 'crowing too soon.' Also 1b: 'counting chickens before they have hatched.'

Spring has nearly done us in, or rather done me in. It's been cold, grey, miserable, and otherwise an extreme disappointment. The kids seem more resilient (youngest says: 'never mind, Mommy; we have lots of warm clothes now'). What's interesting is hearing what locals say about the season. There are two stock responses: a) 'Oh, this is really unusual! Last year at this time we had been wearing shorts and tee-shirts for a month! Wait till next year;' and b) 'Oh yes, this is spring in Canada. It's always cold and wet. Sometimes we even get snow in June! Ha, ha, ha. You'll see, next year.' I'm not sure which reply makes me feel worse: that we are a) unlucky and bearers of bad meteorology, or b) that we're not. The best response so far has been from a friend who said to me on a freezing cold, dismal, gray April day (my birthday, as it happened): 'Please let me apologize on behalf of the entire country of Canada.'

I'm thinking about it.

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