Saturday 31 July 2010

key free

The keyring is empty. No car, no house, no office. All gone. Loss, or maybe freedom. I can almost see myself wrapping my belongings in a bandana tied to a stick, hopping on the next freight train, and riding the rails. Oh yes, the husband and children and cat. Also no harmonica. So, maybe not.

Meanwhile, we are staying with Y and D, their children and their adorable dog (not the the children aren't also adorable) in Brighton and having a wonderful time. It feels like a holiday. Why didn't we do this before? Who needs vacations abroad? It's so much fun just to share a house with friends. Though the friends are probably quite ready to have their house back. We told them their generous hospitality would ensure they don't miss us too much; by the time we depart tomorrow morning, they will quite welcome our absence.

I lie. We are going to miss each other tremendously. My friend A and I agree we won't say goodbye, just hello, and see you later.

Tonight we'll dine on fish and chips. Tomorrow, Toronto ho.

Ho? Ha! Boo hoo.

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying your writing style a lot. I particularly like the way you end the entries. And it's nice to know that I wont have to miss your sense of humor too much. I'm looking forward to reading the first entries from Toronto. And to see you there. Soon. : )
