Sunday, 28 September 2014

The Prophet of Yorkville

After a relatively chilly summer, we’re having a gorgeous autumn in Toronto. For the past week the weather has been sunny and warm, blue and green with early hints of red and gold leafiness. On Wednesday I cycled through Yorkville, the posh neighbourhood of boutiques and banks (I was going to the bank). On a street corner decorated with manicured trees in brick planters, a man looking a tad ragged around the edges called out in a business-like, almost professorial manner:  'Everyone! Listen! Close the schools! Get out of the office! Be outside now! We're going to have a TERRIBLE winter!'   I heard him repeating the commandment as I pedalled down the block. Maybe he was God.

 Anyway, I listened. I kept the two younger kids out of school the next day (well, it was Rosh Hashanah) and have not been back to my windowless office since Tuesday. I spent half of today sitting outside watching younger son play in a soccer tournament, which, miracle of miracles, after 2.5 hours of football with no substitutes, his team won.  Hooray. The dog had a great time too, scrounging for discarded pizza crusts on the sidelines.

Ploughed through a sticky morass of traffic to get home, tired, sun-kissed, victorious, celebrating with takeaway Thai food, and feeling virtuous for heeding the prophecy of the Yorkville Yeller.  Son interrupted my self-gratulation: ‘Mom, I think I left my backpack at the park.’ What’s in it, I enquired. ‘My phone, my wallet, my metro pass, my house-key.’  Oh, is that all? The tournament organizer replied to my frantic messages: nope, not with her. We appealed for help to elder son’s friend, who lives near the park, and he came thrillingly to the rescue, galloping off to investigate. At Rennie Park, with the help of his phone’s flashlight app, he found a lone blue-and-white backpack, along with one of our expensive BPA-free water bottles (‘Oh, yes, I left that too’), all contents undisturbed. Our hero!

It’s a pretty good city that way.

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