Wednesday 12 March 2014


Our street became a film set yesterday, for a scene in the ABC pilot 'Clementine'. Actually less 'yesterday' than last night. The drama apparently required cover of darkness, though darkness on film seems to demand an awful lot of light.

When we lived in the rental house, there were several occasions on which the nearest street corner got blocked off to film car chase scenes. That sounds dramatic but it wasn't really so different from the normal traffic of buses, trucks, and so forth, and also took place early in the morning. Once I got yelled at by a Toronto police officer on security detail for the crew (what a great use of our tax dollars) because I walked out of my front door at an inopportune moment. 'You'll ruin the continuity!' he barked. I leaped back inside. A while later a member of the film crew made a point of coming by and making nice, so I wouldn't write angry letters to Rob Ford, or the newspaper.

But here, last night, the filming made a much bigger difference to the neighbourhood, perhaps because it is such a quiet street normally. The focal house, fortunately, was 8 or 10 down from us and on the opposite side of the street, so we didn't have the bright lights blazing in the window at two o'clock a.m. Still, I am kind of hoping the series tanks. We don't really want them back. Is that NIMBYism, even if it's in the front yard?

By the way, though the photo, taken yesterday, shows the timid appearance of grass under melting ice, today we had a blizzard. Enough already! I mean it.

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